with your CBX 400 / 550
Are you riding your CBX? I wish, more CBX will be running on the road.
My CBX is in the storage room but I will unveil it and turn on the key someday, again.
7. Oct. 1997 The day of making this page.
P.S. Finally, I am backing on the road with my 400 F2. Yeeee!
5. Aug. 2002 The day of back to the road.
9 Nov 22 I added some photos of my CBX 400F2.

9 Nov 12 I added some photos of my CBX 400F2.

9 Aug 12 Pasi in Finland got a 550F.

13 Mar 11 Chris restored a 550F2 in English Lake District.

12 Mar 11 Kevin runs his 550F in Zimbabwe, sorry too late, again.

12 Mar 11 Yogi contributed the 2nd story of his 550F, Poland. Sorry too late, again.

28 Apr 09 Yogi contributed a nice story of his 550F, Poland. Sorry too late upload.

30 Jul 08 A 400F photo I've got from Acid53 in Osaka, Japan.

16 Jul 07 Torben in Denmark bought a 550F.

07 Jul 07 Sandro in Italy finished the restoration work of his 550F2.

Update History
I seek some photos, sounds data, tips for mentenance and after parts info. Please cooperate.
- 6 Dec. 1998 : Meets with Ivo from Chez in Kyoto, JAPAN
- 17 Sep. 2000 : Visits to Don in Vancouver, CANADA
- 11 May. 2002 : The 1st meeting exhibited in Toyokawa, JAPAN
- 27 Oct. 2002 : Meeting with Yarimizu from Hokkaido in Kyoto, JAPAN
- 4 May. 2003 : The 2nd meeting had been held in Toyokawa, JAPAN
- 10 May. 2003 : Shiga local meeting had been held, JAPAN
- 05 Oct. 2003 : I went to Kyoto-Shiga short touring with Ivo of Chez.
- 09 Nov. 2003 : I have met with Yarimizu in Hokkaido again.
- 14 Aug. 2004 : I have met with Noriyasu in Kyoto city.
Their own CBX400/550
Here are 99 owners from 23 countires.
400 F2, Blue/White, 1983 : Yutaka Yasuda (yasuda@bakkers.org) in Japan: 7 Oct. 1997
400 F2, Blue/White : in Japan : 9 Oct. 1997
- In yanya@ps.ksky.ne.jp's Misc. essay of Moto House Web page, this one still running now. How nice! (In Japanese)
400 F, Red : koutaro@ba.mbn.or.jp in Japan : 15 Oct. 1997
- koutaro@ba.mbn.or.jp's URA-SABAKU Web page, there is information of solid red color his CBX but stolen. Gee. (In Japanese with photos.)
400 F, Red & 550 F, Red/White : Ivo Oprsal (io@karel.troja.mff.cuni.cz) in Chez : 5. Nov. 1997
400 Custom, 1983 : Mizuno (info@mizuno-saketen.jp) in Japan : 5 Nov. 1997
550 F2, Red/White, 1982 : Phil Hall (webby@halltech.com.au) in Australia : 16 Jun. 1998
400 F2, Red/White/Black, 1983 : Antonio Ganci (a.ganci@mclink.it) in Italy : 13 Nov. 1997
- His CBX 400 F2 is beautiful red color with white/black stripe. His website (In Italian)
400 F, Red, 1981 : Iseki (next-dg@japan-net.or.jp) in Japan : 17 Nov. 1997
550 F2, Red, 1984 : Larbi Elyassini (larbie@sitel-be.com) in Belgium : 24 Feb. 1998
- Larbi's CBX 550 F2 has "Ferrari Red" and 4 into 2 exhaust.
550 F2, Blue/White, 1982 : Martin Jansson (am.jansson@mbox300.swipnet.se) in Sweden : 25 Feb 1998
400 F, Blue/White/Red : Steinmetz Philippe (stein01@infonie.fr) in France: 1 May 1998
- Photos of his 400 F on the beach.
550 F, Blue/White/Red : Andrew Mattocks (andy.m@zetnet.co.uk) in UK: 10 July 1998
550 F2, 1982 : Nico van Elk (cbx550@lxdr.com) in Netherlands : 27 May 1998
- You can find a info about his 550 F on His own page. (In English)
550 F, Blue/White/Red, 1982 : Robert Wooley (woollsm@fastlink.com.au) in Australia : 12 June 1998.
550 F, Red/White : Axel Bloess (abloess@gmx.net) in Germany : 14 June 1998
- His 550 F, with an 4-1 Sebring Muffler and a little windshield.
- In Germany CBX were sold 6300 units from '82 to '84 with and without fairing.
- He wrote many tips. See Know How page.
(He sold his 550 F. Thanks for your update, Axel. (July 2006) ).
550 F, 1982 : Les Brady (labrady@ozemail.com.au) in Australia : 20 Sep 1998
400 F : N (nnn@pop17.odn.ne.jp) in Japan : 20 Sep 1998
- N lives in Osaka. His 400 F had been stolen three times but he repaired it everytime. it is alive!
400 F, Black/Red : Mitsunori Hagiwara (mitsunori_hagiwara@zendentsu.or.jp) in Japan : 13 Oct 1998
- Hagiwara in Hokkaido, Japan has been ridden Black/Red 400 F for 10 years.
- His Photos are.
400 F, Red/White : Fujita (vamos@purple.plala.or.jp) in Japan : 30 Jan. 1998
- Fujita in Ibakragi, Japan had 400 F for 10 years. His Photos are.
400 F, Black/Red : Norihiko Obata (norihiko@mvg.biglobe.ne.jp) in Japan : 11 Oct 1998
- Obata in Yamanashi, Japan has 400 F. His machine's photo are.
400 F2, 1983 : Suhaimi Hozani (yeehah_man@yahoo.com) in Singapore : 29 Nov 1998
400 Custom, 1982 : Guillermo Brajovic A. (gba@mvelasco.enersis.cl) in Chile : 3 Feb 1999
550 F, 1982 : Volker Koenig (koenig_v@efwtn1.et.tu-dresden.de) in Germany : 5 March 1999
550 F2, Red/White, 1982 : Tommy Jansson (tommy.jansson@tordata.se) in Sweden : 9 Mar. 1999
400 F2, Red/Yellow, 1984 : Peter Peshew (Peter@bulcom.bg) in Bulgaria : 13 Apr. 1999
400 F, Blue/Red/White : BOB in Japan : 19 Apr. 1999
- BOB in Kochi, Japan has 400 F. His machine's photo are.
550 F, Blue/Red/White : Dave Head (headd@agrevo.com) in UK : 3 June 1999
- There are some letters from Dave with photos.
400 F2, Red/White, 1981 : Kishino (kishino@be.mbn.or.jp) Japan : 29 Aug. 1999
550 F, Red/White, 1982 : Erik Samuelsen (95759638@mobilpost.com) Norway : 15 Sep. 1999
400 F, Red/White : Yuuji (PXI13462@nifty.ne.jp) Japan : 15 Sep. 1999
- Yuuji of Osaka, JAPAN has so beautiful 400 F.
550 F2, Blue/White : Charlie Smith (chazkim@xtra.co.nz) New Zealand : 7 Oct. 1999
- Charlie in NZ from UK for working has 550 F2. His photo is here.
550 F, 1983 : Janos Fejes (f_janos@hotmail.com) Hungary : 10 Jan. 2000
400 F, Red/White, 1984 : Matsuyama (naotune@zc4.so-net.ne.jp) Japan : 15 Feb. 2000
- Matsuyama has 400F. His 400 F photos are here.
400 F, Red/White, 1983 : Ebina (ebii01@alles.or.jp) Japan : 6 May. 2000
- Ebina in Kochi, Japan has 400F. His 400 F photos are here.
400 F, Black/Red: Takahashi, Japan : 6 May. 2000
- Takahashi has 400 F. His 400 F photos are here.
550 F, Red/White: Don Kennett (DKennett@Seaspan.com) Canada : 24 Jul. 2000
- Don Kennett has 550 F in Canada with mint condition. His 550 F story and photos are here.
400 F2, Red/White: Olivier Chatel (ochatel@free.fr) France : 31 Jul. 2000
550 F2 : Jaco van Beek (beek@gudjohnsen.com) in Netherlands : 10 Sep. 2000
- Jaco van Beek in Noord-Brabant, Netherlands has fine black machine. His 550 F story and photos are here.
400 F2, Red/Black/White : Sandro Ierovante (ierovante@rai.it) in Italy : 20 Sep. 2000
- Sandro in Italy had 400F recently but now he own a 400 F2
- His Web page HONDA CBX includes some phots. Tech info is also. Check it out.
- He bought a 550F2 and finished his restration works. (Jul. 2007)
550 F, Black/Red, 1983: Kin in Japan : 3 Jan. 2001
- Kin has beautiful customized 550 F. Checkout his photos.
550 F2, 1983: Laurent Hanser (hanser@wanadoo.nl) in Holland : 3 Jan. 2001
550 F, Redd/White/Black, 1986: Niclas Hofberg (nichofberg@hotmail.com) England : 15 Jan. 2001
- Niclas in England has 550 F. His story is here.
400 F2, Redd/White/Black, 1982: Ms. Watanabe, Japan : 7 Feb. 2001
- Ms. Watanabe in Aichi (xoxo77@aaacafe.zzn.com) Japan rode two 400 F2s. Story is here.
- She has also own LOVE "CBX 400F" web. (In Japanese)
550 F2, Blue/White/Red, 1982: Silvano Corsetti (silvaco@interfree.it) Italy : 9 Feb. 2001
- He has a beautiful 550 F2. Photo is here.
550 F2, Red/White/Black, 1987 : Niki Strandholdt (nikistrandholdt@hotmail.com) Denmark : 5 Mar. 2001
- He bought a 550 F2 at summer in 2000.
550 F2, Red/White/Black, 1982 : Roos en Jeff (roosenjeff@wxs.nl) Netherland : 9 Mar. 2001
550 F, Red/White/Black : Matjaz Kariz (matjaz.kariz@email.si) Slovenia : 1 Apr. 2001
- Matjaz bought a 550 F in 1999.
- Now he succeed to rebuild his moto.
550 F2, Red/White/Black, 1982 : Jonny keyes (jonathankeyes@hotmail.com) New Zealand : 29 Jul. 2001
- Jonny bought his 550 F2 in 1982. But he is hoping to sell it, unfortunately.
550 F, Red/White/Black : Michel Heusinkveld (michel.heusinkveld@wanadoo.nl) Netherland : 12 Aug. 2001
- Michel bought 550 F in 2000. Once broken but he fixed it and was back on the road.
550 F, Red/White/Black, 1986 : Ray Leask (ray@leask.co.uk) U.K. : 23 Aug. 2001
- Ray's 550 F photos. For maintenance reference.
550 F2, Blue/White, 1983 : Hiyoshi, Japan : 23 Oct. 2001
- Hiyoshi succeed to revive his 550 F2 that had been stored at 13 years ago.
550 F, Blue/Red/White, 1986 : Claus Willemar Kristensen (cwk.uua@fyns-amt.dk), Denmark : 25 Oct. 2001
- Kristensen just bought a 550 F.
400 F2, Red/Black/White, 1984 : Ferenc van der Hulst (ferenc.van.der.Hulst@AMIS.NL), Netherland : 30 Nov. 2001
400 Custom, Red, 1984 : Remon Santoso (remon@myowncat.com), Indonesia : 30 Nov. 2001
550 F, 1984 : Swen Porschen (swen.porschen@gmx.de) in Germany : 19 February 2002
- Swen got some common trouble of his 550 F. He wrote good report to fix troubles.
400 F, Red, 1983 : Spada Paola (paola2f@libero.it) in Italy : 27 April 2002
- Alberto has brilliant 400 F. Plese see his photos.
550 F2, Red/Black/White, 1983 : Mark Croasdale (Mark@eMeritus.biz ) in UK : 21 May 2002
- Mark has brilliant 550 F2. Plese see his photos.
550 F2, Red/White/Black : Colin Windsor (c.windsor@ntlworld.com), England : 21 June 2002
550 F2, Red/White/Black : Lego (voyage@tc.catv.ne.jp), Japan : 08 July 2002
- Lego has a beautiful 550F and now it is modifying for the racing.
400 F, Red/White/Black : Hideaki Yamamoto (twopunks@maotv.ne.jp), Japan : 29 January 2004
550 F, 1983 : Daniel Sterzenbach (danster@mars.ark.com), Canada : 1 September 2002
- Daniel who lives in Vancuver island has a beautifull aztec yellow painted 550F.
400 Custom, brown : Yarimizu (honda.cbx400-custom@docomo.ne.jp), Japan : 11 September 2002
- Yarimizu is living in Hokkaido of Japan. His 400 Custom is now repairing to back to the road.
400F, Red/White/Black : Kitanishi (yesugei@po.incl.ne.jp), Japan : 26 January 2003
- Kitanishi in Ishikawa, Japan keep running his beautiful 400F 20 years.
550F, Blue/Red/White : Harry Teicher (harry_teicher@yahoo.com), Japan : 21 February 2003
- Harry in Denmark bought 550F by 1375 US$ but he needs to pay 2100 US$ for registration. Of course 260 US$ every year for insurance!
- Check his 550F page.
400F, Red/White/Black, 1982 : M.H, Japan : 15 April 2003
- M.H in Tokyo keep running his 400F for 20 years.
400F2, Red/White/Black : Nakae, Japan : 11 May 2003
- Nakae in Shiga prefecture has 400F2.
400F, Red/White/Black : Fujimoto, Japan : 11 May 2003
- Fujimoto who lives in Shiga has 400F.
550F2, Red/White/Black, 1985 : Frank, Denmark : 30 May 2003
- Frank enjoys his 550F with his wife.
400F2, Red/White/Black : Peter Huiskes (yamahaxjs@hotmail.com), Netherland : 14 June 2003
550F, Blue/White/Red, 1982 : Thomas Bour (HondaCB500F@aol.com), Germany : 5 July 2003
- Thomas lives in Germany but near by France bought a 550F in 1998.
550F, Blue/White/Red : Stan Pavlov (winchesternoguns@aol.com), Canada : 28 Oct 2003
400F, White/Red/Brown, 1985 : Ned Church (nedchurch@owairoa.school.nz), New Zealand : 26 Apr 2004
- Ned is restoring his 400F, in New Zealand.
550F, Blue/Red/White, 1983 : Benoit Bertrand (carlmars@sympatico.ca), Canada : 24 Feb 2004
- Benoit bought 2 CBXs, in 1989 and 1998. There is his long time 550F story, in Canada.
400F : Luca, Italy : 22 Mar 2004
- Luca modified his 400F to 576cc with 98HP machine. See photos, in Italy.
550F, White/Blue, 1986 : MORIYASU (fantic@orange.ocn.ne.jp) in Japan : 22 May 2004
- MORIYASU who lives in Okayama of Japan is restoreing his 550F2. Here is a report and photos.
550F, Red/White/Black : Noriyuki (non777888@hotmail.com) in Japan : 13 Jun 2004
400F, Red, 1982 : Guido Vittorio (itrael@tiscali.it) in Italy : 17 Aug 2004
- Guido is 10 years CBX owner. See photos of his fine solid red color machine, in Italy.
400F, Red, 1982 : Asakawa in Japan : 22 Sep 2004
- Asakawa keep his 400F in 22 years. See photos of his solid red 400F, in Japan.
400F, Red, 1982 : Masanori in Japan : 29 Oct 2004
- Masanori got a 400F at 2003, in Japan.
400F, Red/White/Black : Mr. F-3 in Japan : 14 Nov 2004
- Mr. F-3 has a mint RS400R customized 400F.
550F, Red : Adam in Australia : 6 Mar 2005
- Adam lives in Australia bought red 550F at last week.
400F, White/Blue: Hata in Japan: 20 Mar 2005
- Hata in Japan bought 400F which has 550 tank and covers, in last summer.
400 Custom, Blue, 1982: Daniel Dirscherl in Canada : 16 Jan. 2005
- Dan has Blue 400 Custom. His photos are here.
400F2, Red/White/Black: Satou in Japan : 13 Feb. 2005
- Satou has beautiful 400F2. His photos are here.
400F, Red: Ushijima in Japan : 2 May. 2005
- Ushijima is restoring his 400F. His photos are here.
400F, Red/White/Black, 1982: Groseb in France : 1 Aug. 2005
- Groseb got a mint 400F inexpensive. His photos are here.
400F, Red/White/Black: Saito in Japan : 3 Sep. 2005
- Saitoh is riding his 400F long time. His photos are here.
550F, Red/White/Black, 1983: Brent in Canada : 6 Sep. 2005
- Brent has 550F long running. His photos are here.
400F, Yellow, 1985: Carsten Andersen in Denmark : 5 Dec. 2005
- Carsten has yellow 400F. His photos are here.
550F, Silver/White/Black, 1984: Bela in Serbia and Montenegro : 9 Mar. 2006
- Bela has silver 550F. Her photos are here.
400 Custom, Blue, 1984: Michael Rowntree in New Zealand : 21 Mar. 2006
- Michael is restoring 400 Custom. His photos are here.
400F2, Red/White/Black: Peter in Netherland : 22 Apr. 2006
- Peter has good condition 400F2. His photos are here.
550F, Red/White/Black: Federico Palinuro in Italy : 28 Aug. 2006
- Federico had owned 550F. His photos are here.
550F, Red/White/Black: Daniel Macfarlane in Canada : 25 Aug. 2006
- Daniel has mint 550F. His photos are here.
550F, Red/White/Black, 1987: Torben Hvass (torbensh@ofir.dk) in Denmark : 16 Jul. 2007
- Torben recently bought a 550F. His photos are here.
400F, Blue/Red/While, 1982 : Acid53 (acid53@hotemail.com) in Japan : 30 Jul. 2008
- Acid53 who lives in Osaka, Japan is restoring his 400F. See his photos here.
550F, Red : Yogi (jogi997@o2.pl) in Poland : 28 Apr. 2009
550F, Blue/White/Red, 1982 : Kevin (kevinjjvso@hotmail.com) in Zimbabwe : 12 March. 2011
- Kevin lives in Zimbabwe, Africa ride 550F. See his letter here.
550F2, Red/White/Black, 1985 : Chris in England : 13 March. 2011
- Chris restored his 550F2. See his photos here.
550F, Blue/White/Black : Pasi in Finland : 9 Aug. 2012
- Pasi (Lusperado@gmail.com) got a 550F2. See his letter.
- (Please let me know if you have some information of CBX.)
To visitors
You may link this page freely.
And please let me (yasuda@bakkers.org
) know if you have CBX.
Let us join now.
Please DON'T copy photos and stories under this page without notice.
I got some resources from many CBX owners with agreements.
Many resources are still under the copyrights of original CBX owner.
Of course, you may use freely *MY CBX* photos.
Because I give up the copyrights of them.
Please understand this collaboration works by world wide CBX owners.
This page is administrated by
Yutaka Yasuda. (yasuda@bakkers.org)